How do I participate?
Holsteiner Verband - North American Breeding District Criteria:
What horses are eligible for this awards program?
Horses holding Holsteiner Verband papers, AHHA registration papers or AHHA Certificates of Pedigree are eligible. In addition, horses need to be lifetime registered with USEF, and - if you compete in Dressage - lifetime registered with USDF.
Do I have to be a member of the Holsteiner Verband to participate in the program?
Owners of horses enrolled in the program must be members of the Holsteiner Verband at the Competing Level or above. Membership is annual. Riders and handlers do not need to join as members. If the horse is owned by more than one person, only one person has to be a member.
What do I have to do to participate
Fill out the online form, or download the award membership application and email it to You will receive an invoice from the Holsteiner Verband, and once you paid the invoice, and your horse fulfills the USEF/ USEA and or USDF requirements, you're included in the the awards program.
Show High Point Awards
We are partnering with USDF recognized Dressage shows to award High Point Ribbons to the highest scoring Holsteiner of the Show.
Are you a competitor and are interested in getting your local shows involved?
Are you a show manager/ secretary who wants to participate?
Contact Kerstin Laudemann for further information - we make it easy for everyone involved!
Annual Competition Awards
Eligibility criteria
Eligibility Criteria for HV Performance Awards
Your Holsteiner is registered with the Holsteiner Verband
Owner is a member of the Verband, minimum at the Competing Level
Your Horse is enrolled each year with all fees paid by the published deadlines
Horse and Owner fulfill minimum program requirements of selected discipline
For Dressage awards we are partnering with the USDF all-breeds awards program, and follow their eligibility criteria

USDF all-breeds awards
Special Note:
If participating in the USDF all-breeds awards for the first time, the horse has to be declared with USDF to participate by Aug 1 of the competition year. This only has to be done once.
Has to be lifetime registered with USDF and lifetime or annual registered with USEF at time when scores are earned.
Has to be USDF participating or Business member at time when scores are earned
Has to be USDF participating or Business member at time when scores are earned
Training through Grand Prix Open, including freestyle (USDF open division includes all riders, regardless of rider status.)
Para-dressage rider of the year, FEI five- and six-year-old, USEF four-year-old, Materiale
Award Year:
October 1- September 30
HV ribbons for all placings. Special awards for selected high scores
Visit the USDF website for the full set of rules

US Dressage Finals
High Score Breed Award
Did you qualify for the US Dressage Finals? .... We are one of the organizations that participate in the US Dressage Finals High Score Breed Award.
To be eligible for a high score breed award, competitors must register their horse for the award using the link provided on the competitions entry form or registering online before the closing date of the competition.

USDF All-Breeds Dressage Sport Horse Breeding (DSHB) Awards
Designed to recognize outstanding breeds competing in dressage sport horse breeding.
Special Note:
If participating in the USDF all-breeds awards for the first time, the horse has to be declared with the USDF to participate by Aug 1 of the competition year. This only has to be done once.
Has to be lifetime registered with USDF and lifetime or annual registered with USEF at time when scores are earned. .
Has to be USDF participating or Business member at time when scores are earned
No membership requirement for Hander
Colts/Geldings, fillies - current year, yearling, 2-year old, 3-year old
4-year old maiden mares, brood-mares in foal, 4-year old and older stallions, All materiale categories
Award Year:
October 1- September 30
Awards: HV ribbons for all placings.
Visit the USDF website for the full set of rules
(Dressage Sport Horse Breeding)
For Dressage Sport Horse Breeding awards we are partnering with the USDF all-breeds awards program, and follow their eligibility criteria


USEF requirements
Has to be lifetime or annual registered with USEF at time when scores are earned.
Has to have USEF Competing Membership at time when scores are earned
Has to have USEF Competing Membership at time when scores are earned
HV offers the following divisions for HV awards (Select in the awards application form):
USEF recognized national hunter and jumper divisions (excluding side saddle divisions)
Award Year:
December 1- November 30
HV ribbons for all placings. Special awards for selected high scores
USEA requirements
Has to be lifetime or annual registered with USEA at time when scores are earned.
Has to have USEA Competing Membership at time when scores are earned
Has to have USEA Competing Membership at time when scores are earned
HV offers the following divisions for HV awards (Select in the awards application form):
Beginner Novice, Novice, Training, Modified, Preliminary, Advanced
Award Year:
December 1- November 30
HV ribbons for all placings. Special awards for selected high scores