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About the Holsteiner Verband
North American Breeding District

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Mehr als Holsteiner kann der Mensch nicht werden

Our breeding district is one of fourteen breeding districts (12 regional and 2 international breeding districts) under the umbrella of the 'Holsteiner Verband', the Association of Breeders of the Holsteiner Horse e.V. in Kiel, Germany.

The tasks of the North American  breeding district is to  inform its members about news and activities of the Holsteiner Verband. The breeding district organizes and hosts our annual Holsteiner inspection tours across North America in cooperation with the Holsteiner Verband. In addition we established a US specific awards program to recognize the achievements of the Holsteiner Horse in the disciplines of Dressage, Hunter/Jumper, Eventing and Sport Horse Breeding.

Our History in North America

From 1978 to 2018, the Holsteiner breed in North America was preserved and maintained by the American Holsteiner Horse Association and its Board of Directors.  In 2018, the Holsteiner Verband invited the AHHA membership to become a new breeding district of the German organization, and, following a referendum vote by the membership, the AHHA dissolved to become this new breeding district.  

Each Breeding District of the Holsteiner Verband maintains a Board of four members:  a president, a vice president, a treasurer, and a secretary.

In addition to the board, each district has a minimum of three voting delegates, with more allowed based on the number of active mares within the district.

Each Holsteiner breeding district holds a general assembly at least once a year. The assembly deals with the following matters:

  • Election of the breeding district board (chairperson, deputy chairperson, secretary and treasurer)

  • Election of Holsteiner Verband delegates according to the Verband rules and bylaws

  • Discussion of Holsteiner Verband topical matters and affairs

  • Discussion of breeding district matters and affairs


Elections are held every four years.


The delegates elected by the breeding districts meet at the delegate assembly in Neumünster twice a year.

The History of the Holsteiner Verband

Uniting Tradition and Excellence Since 1883: The Holsteiner Horse Breeders' Legacy



ADDRESS:     29605 Grandpoint Lane
                       Rancho Palos Verdes, CA  90275

PHONE:         USA 310-345-5906 

                       Germany +49 431 305996 2


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